Saturday, February 14, 2009

Here comes the Porker

Is there any doubt that the "Porkulus Bill" is filled with "perks" for democratic supporters? Unions, radical environmental groups, ACORN, the list could go on and on. I do agree with John McCain that this is intergenerational theft. I get the same canned answer from the looney liberal Senators from Michigan (Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow) that you hear Obama spouting over and over like a mantra. Spending a trillion dollars of taxpayers dollars is the only way to solve the economic crisis. Meanwhile, local economies will be drained as taxpayers have to send even more to Washington. Just hope that your local community sees some $$ coming back. BTW where was Obama while much of Kentucky was without power after the local ice storm. Flying over at high altitude on his way from Indiana to Florida to push his theft plan. Here is an article from an expert which further underscores the debt problem.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here Comes the Monstrosity

Even though most Americans oppose the "Porkulus Bill" , Congress and Barack Obama are determined to ram it down our throats. To learn more about what this bill does and doesn't do (hint: it is not a stimulus bill) see this link. I have sent e-mails to one of my State Senators and found that Debbie Stabenow is a big spending liberal - not a big surprise. Senator Carl Levin - D, Michigan is just as worthless.

Well, let's look at how well Michigan's big tax increase in October of 2008 helped it's economy. Here is the unemployment rate in Michigan as of November 2008. With a 9.6% unemployment rate Michigan is dead last in terms of employment percentage. Notice too who is number 3, another big spending state - California. Michigan's unemployment rate continued to soar in December hitting 10.6% and we are still number one.

All of those extra dollars flowing to Lansing are now dollars that citizens cannot spend on food, fuel, clothing, shelter and if they are lucky a little something for themselves. Is there a parallel with the "Porkulus Bill"? You bet there is. Where will the trillion dollars come from to pay for all of the waste and pork in this bill? It will come from you, me, your neighbor and everyone else who pays taxes. What could we do with the estimated $10,000 dollars that each man, woman and child will owe that are going to Washington, D.C. for dog parks, frisbee golf courses, hybrid golf carts, sex education and a slew of wasteful projects that will not do anything to stimulate the economy? The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that many of these dollars will not even be spent by the year 2010.

Meanwhile the national debt will be continuing to climb. For every minute that passes the U.S. debt is increasing by over $750,000(or almost a million dollars a minute). If you do not believe it check this out

Though I do not have children I have nephews and nieces. I feel for their pain when the bills come due. This "Porkulus Bill" will not stimulate the economy as proven by history. There is probably nothing we can do about it until 2010 - the next round of elections. Republicans need to remember these days during the next election.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What to call the "Stimulus" Plan?

What do we call this huge bailout plan that is really a socialist plan for America? "Porkulus" as Rush Limbaugh does, "The European Socialist Plan" as Sean Hannity has labeled it? Well, whatever the name, it is a monstrosity.

A billion dollars here and a billion dollars there and sooner than later you end up with a trillion dollars. How do you cut taxes for people who do not pay taxes? How will funding STD research really stimulate the economy? Do you realize that there is a huge wad of cash in the stimulus bill to build new Milwaukee schools? Yes, I agree that our children need to have a good environment in which to learn. However, realize that the number of children going to Milwaukee's schools is declining, and that even the local school board acknowledges that new schools are not needed.

Watching the first couple of weeks of the Obama administration is like watching a nervous teenage boy struggle to get his girlfriend's bra off for the first time. Can January 20, 2013 come soon enough, or can we get rid of Obama and the rest of the socialists before then? There is the 2010 election just around the corner. It may be that our only hope to marginalize Obama is to surround him with conservatives who will check his march toward socialism.

Here is an excellent article posted by the Heritage Foundation on why stimulus plans do not work. To sum it up, taking tax dollars out of the private sector to give to the government to spend does not create wealth - it is only redistribution. Where have we heard that redistribution term before?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Debbie Stabenow and Censorship

It would appear that Senator, Debbie Stabenow , D-Michigan, would like to push the "Censorship Doctrine". See the attached link to an article on her appearance on the Bill Press Show. If you value freedom of speech, Senators such as Debbie Stabenow need to be stopped. I encourage you to call her Washington, DC office at 202-224-4822. Please be civil even if you are talking to a liberal staffer. Also, know that Stabenow is supporting the awful stimulus package which will soon be voted on in the Senate. If you really want to understand how bad this bill is see the article on National Review.

Call Senator Stabenow's Office at 202-224-4822 and let her know that you oppose her efforts to censor talk radio and that the Stimulus Bill needs to fail.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Politics of Pork

How will the bloated pork bill making its way through the Senate create jobs? Three hundred million dollars for sex education, 20 million for sod at the National Mall, millions for dog parks, mob museums. It may have snowed on DC recently, but the citizens of this country are getting a snow job. One group which is helping to expose the government waste is the Council of Citizens against Government Waste . To top that all this rush to spend trillions of dollars this is not a job stimulus bill, this is a payback for support of the democrats in the last election. Money to ACORN, money to the unions and for those who do not pay taxes. Re-distribution of wealth from those who work to earn a living to those looking for a handout plain and simple. I believe that Margaret Thatcher said it best about socialism -

"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."