Saturday, February 14, 2009

Here comes the Porker

Is there any doubt that the "Porkulus Bill" is filled with "perks" for democratic supporters? Unions, radical environmental groups, ACORN, the list could go on and on. I do agree with John McCain that this is intergenerational theft. I get the same canned answer from the looney liberal Senators from Michigan (Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow) that you hear Obama spouting over and over like a mantra. Spending a trillion dollars of taxpayers dollars is the only way to solve the economic crisis. Meanwhile, local economies will be drained as taxpayers have to send even more to Washington. Just hope that your local community sees some $$ coming back. BTW where was Obama while much of Kentucky was without power after the local ice storm. Flying over at high altitude on his way from Indiana to Florida to push his theft plan. Here is an article from an expert which further underscores the debt problem.

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