Monday, November 23, 2009

Government Takeovers

It appears that we are going down the path of socialized medicine. The US has the best health care system in the world. Based on competition and innovation that can lead to not only prosperity for the innovators, but beneficial for patients as well.

So, we are going to destroy that. Why don't we just have goverment take over the grocery stores and the the oil companies? Just like the ran things in the Soviet Union. Remember the images of Russian in bread lines and waiting for fuel that was in short supply. Gee wonder what happened to all of those swine flu shots the government promised. I bet that all of the high ranking politicians have had their chance at a flu shot. Bet that they will be well fed under government ownership of the food distribution system or that they will have fuel for their vehicles.

Health care is not broken. If you work a 40 hour per week job, health insurance is usually covered. Sure, we have some problems with excessive lawsuits, lack of competition for insurance companies, lack of portability across state lines, the inability of small businesses to group together for better rates.

Rationing and government control is not the answer.

Wake Up America.

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